NOTE: This program is also available in French, Spanish and Portuguese. This eLearning program teaches participants how to identify locations where asbestos may be present and find sections of the asbestos regulation (O.Reg. 278/05) that deal with the classifications of asbestos work (i.e., Type 1, 2, or 3 operations). The program features interactive activities and exercises that will engage learners of all levels. Any workers on projects where asbestos may be present should take this program. A record of completion will be provided to successful participants. Program Content Asbestos uses and locations in construction Health hazards and controls Legislative requirements Navigating the course: Read more

Description Ce programme d’apprentissage en ligne sert à enseigner comment déterminer les endroits où l'amiante peut être présent et où trouver les articles du règlement sur l'amiante (Règl. de l’Ont. 278/05) qui décrivent les catégories de travail avec l’amiante (les opérations de type 1, 2 ou 3). Le programme propose des activités et des exercices interactifs qui mobiliseront les apprenants de tous les niveaux. Tous les travailleurs sur des chantiers où l’amiante peut être présent devraient suivre ce programme. Un certificat sera remis aux participants qui obtiennent la note de passage au test. Avant de recevoir votre certificat d’achèvement, vous devez passer un test qui vous permettra de renforcer vos acquis. Vous aurez droit à deux tentatives et devrez obtenir une note d’au moins 80 %. Contenu du programme Utilisations et emplacements de l'amiante dans la construction Dangers pour la santé et contrôles Exigences de la loi Read more

Descrição Este programa de e-Learning ensina aos participantes a identificar locais onde o amianto pode estar presente e encontrar secções do regulamento de amianto (Regulamento do Ontário 278/05) que lidam com as classificações do trabalho com amianto (p. ex., operações do Tipo 1, 2 ou 3). O programa apresenta atividades interativas e exercícios que envolverão aprendizes de todos os níveis. Qualquer trabalhador envolvido em projetos nos quais o amianto possa estar presente deve participar desse programa. Será fornecido aos participantes que obtiveram êxito um certificado de conclusão. Para receber seu certificado de conclusão, tem de passar no teste para reforçar o que aprendeu. Terá duas tentativas e deverá obter uma pontuação mínima de 80%. Conteúdo programático Locais e utilizações de amianto no setor da construção civil Controlos e perigos para a saúde Condições estatutárias Read more

Descripción Este programa de eLearning enseña a los participantes cómo identificar los lugares en los que pueda haber asbesto, así como a ubicar las secciones de la normativa sobre asbesto (Regulación de Ontario 278/05) que abordan las clasificaciones del trabajo con asbesto (p. ej., operaciones de Tipo 1, 2 o 3). El programa incluye actividades interactivas y ejercicios que implicarán a estudiantes de todos los niveles. Cualquier trabajador de proyectos donde pueda haber asbesto debe participar en este programa. Se proporcionará un certificado de participación a los participantes que lo completen con éxito. Para obtener un certificado de participación, deberá superar una prueba para consolidar sus conocimientos. Dispondrá de dos intentos y la puntuación debe ser, como mínimo, del 80 %. Contenido del programa Usos y ubicación del asbesto en la construcción Controles y peligros para la salud Requisitos legislativos Read more

This eLearning program provides an introduction to the fundamentals of auditing and how to apply these principles while performing the COR® Audit. It focuses on auditing concepts that are common to all organizational audits while using material and examples specific to the COR® Audit process. As of January 1, 2023, all COR® audits must be completed using AuditSoft. This digital tool will help you conduct quicker, easier COR® audits and use data to continuously improve your OHSMS. It is an electronic version of the COR®2020 Audit Tool. NOTE: For more information about COR® 2020 click here, for more information about AuditSoft click here. To download the AuditSoft User Guide click here. Learners will have 2 attempts to complete the final test and must achieve a score of at least 80%. Program Content Preparing for the Audit Performing the Audit Summarizing the Audit Submitting the Audit Did You Know? This is a mandatory training program for individuals acting as an organization’s COR® Internal Auditor. Read more

Carbon monoxide is the leading cause of fatal poisonings in North America - and is considered one of the most dangerous hazards on a construction site. This eLearning program is designed to help workers and supervisors identify the sources of carbon monoxide exposure, recognize the health effects of carbon monoxide poisoning, and identify strategies to minimize exposure to this unique workplace hazard. Learners will have 2 attempts to complete the final test and must achieve a score of at least 80%. Read more
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