This eLearning program is designed to help an organization’s COR® Internal Auditor successfully plan, perform, summarize, and submit the COR® Audit. As of January 1, 2023, all COR® audits must be completed using AuditSoft. This digital tool will help you conduct quicker, easier COR® audits and use data to continuously improve your OHSMS. It is an electronic version of the COR®2020 Audit Tool. NOTE: For more information about COR® 2020 click here, for more information about AuditSoft click here. To download the AuditSoft user guide click here. When you finish the eLearning Module, click on the "Save and Exit" button on the top right hand of the screen to proceed to the Survey and then to the final test. Learners will have 2 attempts to complete the final test and must achieve a score of at least 80%. Program Content Overview of the COR® Audit Tool Opening and closing meetings COR® Audit practice Summarizing findings Writing an audit report Completing an action plan Requirements for submitting the COR® Audit Participants must have taken Basic Auditing Principles before taking COR® Internal Auditor. Since the program content is connected, this will provide the best opportunity to understand the COR® requirements. Did You Know? This is a mandatory training program for individuals acting as an organization’s COR® Internal Auditor and for those pursuing the National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO) certification. Read more

This eLearning course provides learners with the knowledge to become safer drivers on the road. Topics such as road safety, safe following distance, driving hazards, distracted driving, and vehicle inspection will be explored in detail. Participants will learn to identify the driving hazards that they are faced with daily and identify defensive driving techniques to avoid these hazards. Learners will have 2 attempts to complete the final test and must achieve a score of at least 80%. Read more
Road safety authorities in Ontario and across North America, agree that fatigue is a leading cause of motor vehicle incidents. Driver fatigue was also identified as the second leading health and safety risk, right after distracted driving. This eLearning course provides information on how to recognize and respond to driver fatigue and offers practical prevention solutions for the workplace. Who should attend? Any driver who operates a vehicle for commercial or personal purposes. Program Content Recognizing Driver Fatigue Contributing Factors Driver Fatigue Causes Impact on Drivers’ Skills and Abilities Physical Symptoms of Driver Fatigue Preventing Driver Fatigue – Practical Solutions Learners will have 2 attempts to complete the test and must achieve a score of at least 80%. Read more

This eLearning program examines the hazards associated with electricity and the safety measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of injury. Learners will have 2 attempts to complete the test and must achieve a score of at least 80%. Program Content The goal of this course is to allow participants to better understand electricity and to make them aware of the hazards that electricity can pose in order to reduce the possibility of incidents in the workplace. The course is presented in six modules: Theory Electrical Flow and Barriers Induction Electricity and the Body Step and Touch Potentials Safe Limits of Approach Read more

Construction is a unique, dynamic industry characterized by workplaces and workforces that change constantly. Through the course of a project, ten or more employers may be involved with many different trades on site. These multi-trade workplaces are what set the construction industry apart from all others. As injuries and fatalities continue to occur year after year, health and safety should remain everyone’s top priority. This eLearning program provides general information on hazards and hazard recognition in the construction industry with a focus on occupational health and legal implications of health and safety. Participants will learn how to prevent injuries, illnesses and fatalities as well as how to protect themselves on construction jobsites. NOTE: This eLearning program will not be accepted under the Ontario-Quebec Mobility Agreement. For those wanting to work in Quebec under this Agreement, the in-class ELC course is required. This is an awareness program only and is not intended to certify participants for work in any construction setting requiring certification. Job-specific training must also be conducted by the employer for every construction worker. Program Content This program contains information on the following: Rights and responsibilities of the various workplace parties on construction projects under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and under Ontario Regulation 213/91: Construction Projects Identification, communication and control of hazards in construction Tools, equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) common in construction A certificate of completion for this program will be issued to learners who successfully complete all 17 modules. A minimum of 80% must be achieved to advance to the next module. Learners will have the opportunity to receive feedback on their results and retry any questions. Read more

Un délégué à la santé et à la sécurité (DSS) doit être désigné dans la plupart des lieux de travail situés en Ontario qui emploient régulièrement de 6 à 19 travailleurs. Certains lieux de travail sont tenus d’avoir un DSS dans d’autres circonstances (voir https://www.ontario.ca/fr/page/delegues-la-sante-et-la-securite). Le rôle du DSS est de veiller à la santé et à la sécurité sur le lieu de travail. Ce programme de formation de base en ligne d’une journée aide les DSS à exercer les fonctions que la loi leur impose. Le programme d’apprentissage en ligne est le fruit d’une collaboration entre le ministère du Travail, de la Formation et du Développement des compétences et les partenaires du système de santé et de sécurité de l’Ontario. Qui devrait suivre ce cours en ligne? Applicable à tous les secteurs, ce programme de formation en ligne est utile pour tous les lieux de travail situés en Ontario qui emploient régulièrement de 6 à 19 travailleurs. D’autres lieux de travail peuvent également être tenus d’avoir un DSS dans d’autres circonstances (voir https://www.ontario.ca/fr/page/delegues-la-sante-et-la-securite). Read more
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